When I’m just falling asleep
If what we need to do is convince the masses
Not the people who are already on the journey
We have to learn to speak the language that they understand
Because otherwise, all we’re going to do is exist in these tiny circles
That is not going to get us where we need to get as quickly as we need to get there
I have always really struggled to explain to people what I do
It doesn’t matter what discipline I’m employing
I’m always using creativity
To enable a change of thinking or an opportunity to think, feel and see differently about the challenges we collectively face
I’ve always understood what I’ve done or what my real value is
But I didn’t have the vocabulary, the language to consolidate it
But I’ve always known what I’ve done
Now I’ve created a shape, and I wouldn’t call it a box,
So other people are comfortable with the different things that I can do
Because now it lets their imagination run wild
My imagination is out there
What it did was give me the language that made other people understand me
Because I’ve always been slightly outside
I felt a little bit lost out in space
Now I feel like I have the language to articulate what I do.
A box is something people are comfortable with
Whereas a shape is an organic moving blob, who knows?
It’s something that is not static
You can’t define it, but it’s relatable
When I’m just falling asleep
Or just waking up
I feel simultaneously minute
And also gigantic
It’s a sensation I’ve felt for a very long time
That’s how I feel about this form that I’m speaking of
It can be microscopic
And it can be nebulous
All at the same time
I’ve had to
-without losing me-
Learn to speak a language that other people understand
I’ve learned a language to express myself