We think the world is more divided into opposites than she is. I think it's even human. To always want to apply that binary. A tree is a tree And a mushroom is a mushroom. But when it turns out that a lot is going on between those two Then that is something fascinating But we still like to see that tree and that mushroom And actually, preferably only what is visible above the ground We want or think we can understand all things But is that even possible? And is it that important? To get a grip on things? Or even better, to have an opinion about something? What is essential is space. Space is also related to time. That way, you create circumstances in which things can arise In which something could also occur that might like to arise Because the moment that space and time are there That it might already arise on its own, so to speak Because all those factors are waiting for it to come If only we didn't keep clinging to that with our grip And want to decide and want to steer But just let something be for what it is We can apply such things in practice