
I only want to recover

But my internal dynamics work in such a way

That each time I reach proximity to a state of bliss

My alarm bells tell me that “there is more work to do”

Because Life is supposed to be hard

But I know now, that my internal dynamics were shaped

By a constant state of fear

And I hush them and tell them that we are adults now

And I cry like a baby

What do you say to the child that should have been protected?

What do you say to the child that didn’t have to know, hear, feel or see yet?

How do you hold yourself, because in the end, you are the only one who knows that child truly?

How, when you didn’t learn how already so long ago?

You break down the adult you once were,

To find the child you were before

Then you build her up again

And hold you both

In strenght

In pain

In joy

In Sorrow

In Mourning

In celebration

And you never give up on her

And life will get softer

And recovery finds you

And starts holding you

I promise